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Interrelations Within the Industry

For the escape room project we had to work with other departments of the Industry.This page displays the jobs that I worked with and how they relate to the job role I was doing.    

Production meeting.heic
Production meeting_edited.jpg

Production Managers

For this project we had two Production managers.  One was for Creative Production and one was for Technical Production. Costume, Wigs and Makeup worked mostly with the Creative Production Manager. Production managers plan and coordinates the process so the project runs successfully. They  are in charge of making sure that the directors visions come to life but in a realistic way. With my department the Production manger had to make the schedule and had to inform the makeup, hair and costume team of timings. 


The actors were very important for this project. This meant we  had to work with other pathways within school. Most of the actors that were going to be a part of the escape room running. Whilst for our advert and photo shoot we could use members from the creative production pathway. 

Actors were able to make our escape room more realistic because they were able to embody their 1920's character. We had to make them look 1920's by creating popular hair styles and makeup looks for the time. 

On set.heic


This project meant that we needed photos and videos for the running of the escape room and advertisement. So we could promote what we were doing in order to sell tickets. Students from the broadcast pathway came with their equipment and skills to help us film, capturing 1920's advert for our project. During the shooting process this was a collaborative effort so the hair, makeup and costume team had to be sure to have good communication with broadcast. 

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