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Interrelations with costume making and dressing in theatre

A vital part of the Stage and Screen production industry is that it is inevitable that at your job you will have to work with other departments. Here are some other industry roles that a costumer constructor or wardrobe dresser would have to work with: 


Costumer Designer 

A costume designer is responsible for the look of the costume in the film or theatre. They have to consider what materials to use and they need to have good art skills to be able to illustrate their ideas. They'll have to work with other creative departments and the director so the costumes correlates with the overall project. 

Makeup artist 

A Makeup artists use makeup to make the actor look more like the character they are playing. In Alice the actors such as the Mad Hatter and Queen of Hearts had distinctive makeup looks so the audience could tell who they were playing. Key skills needed for this job role includes creativity. A makeup artist must be good at working with their hands.  They will have to work with other departments such as costume and wigs so that the characters final look is complimenting. They will also have to work with the director to understand the overall concept of the project. ​


Wig Maker 

A wig maker's responsibility is to make wigs for the show. Good time management and patients are two extremely important things when it comes to being a wig maker because it can take weeks or even months to complete a wig. Its very time consuming. In a similar way to costume makers they must understand materials such as different fabrics  and fibres to know what will work the most effectively. They must also have hairdressing skills and  manual dexterity as well as creativity. 

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